Have account information at your fingertips right when you're ready for it.

  • Save paper and save the environment
  • Fast, free, and easy alternative to paper statements
  • Easier to retrieve info when needed
  • Eliminate a paper trail
  • Reduce chances of fraud and identity theft
  • Arrive faster than paper statements
  • Simplify recordkeeping
  • Easily access past statements
  • Ability to download for permanent storage or print if needed
  • Receive email notice when new electronic statement is ready
eStatements Enrollment

Online Banking enrollment, follow these 3 simple steps to enroll:

  1. Log into Online Banking
  2. Click on the “Additional Services” tab and then "eStatements".
  3. Click “Register” and provide the requested information.

Mobile App enrollment, follow these 3 simple steps to enroll:

  1. Log into your Mobile App
  2. Click on the More tab for an iPhone or on the Menu bar for an Android/Samsung and select "eStatements".
  3. Click “Register” and provide the requested information.

A confirmation email will be sent to you when the process is complete. In just a few minutes, you will be on your way to receiving your statements online!